Saturday, August 7, 2010

book review: Boneshaker

I stumbled upon this book while walking by the local independent bookstore and noticing the awesome looking poster in the window but I honestly enjoyed this book! it was very well written with a wonderful plot and everyones favourite, character development! the book takes place in a sort of alternate reality 1880's Seattle, full of zombies and poisonous gas. Focusing on a mother and son who go on a grand adventure through the zombie infested streets of the city.

I wasn't expecting it to be so mother-and-son-ly but it was a nice break from shojo manga and romancy books. Theres not really anything lolita about the book, but it does qualify as steampunk, and isn't steampunk the cousin of lolita?

the book is a bit over 400 pages long and makes a great summer read for anyone who likes steampunk or zombies!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, sounds interesting! I wonder is it available on the Kindle? Buying books in Japan is expensive!
