Friday, February 18, 2011

outfit post!

Ugh! So sorry for the quality of the picture! My parents tuck the camera to mexico with them (so they could take pictures of nothing really -_-), leaving me camera-less and unable to do much blog wise for the past couple weeks. I really wanted to take a picture of todays outfit though so i resorted to my laptops web cam.

outfit rundown:
shirt: off brand
skirt: bodyline
shoes: bodyline
wig: cosworx

I did take advantage of the bodyline sale as you can tell! i got me some rocking-horse shoes and a couple skirts and such, pictures of those will also be up soon.

They arrive back tomorrow though so expect more posts then!


  1. I thought you had dyed your hair red until I saw the wig credit lol--I like you with red hair though :-)
    BTW: I got your gift the other day and just wanted to say thank you! I'm making a little present too to say thanks (will let you know when I send it)--Mom and I had the tea today and it's absolutely divine! <3

  2. thank you! and Im glad you like the tea! ^^
