Friday, May 28, 2010


today i was inspired by Milk Tea to talk about whats keeping me busy lately: dance. I Teach as well as perform and this weekend we have a show, the style of dance i do is pretty much everything, ballet, jazz, and circus. I do stilts, trapeze, hoop and fabric as well as some other things but those are the main ones.

Learning everything and practicing is the hard part, teaching is easy and performing is always fun! but one thing that bothers me about the style of dance is that a lot of people will be "oh thats cool i wish i could do that but i would totally fail." You can do it! when i started i was barely flexible and not all that strong, those come with practice even though it takes a while and if one style isnt working for you try another! if you have terrible balance don't do stilts, do something like trapeze, (not flying trapeze where you swing from really high but static where is low enough that you can grab it from the floor). There is ALWAYS something that you would probably be good at with some work. The same thing can be applied with lolita! if you "don't have the body type to wear the typical sweet skirt then find a different style of skirt! or a dress! theres always something if you try!

so never stop trying and never stop doing what you love! Because i've stuck with circus arts for so long i've been able to meet some awesome people and train with cirque du soleil performers and ex-performers! awesome stuff hapens if you just stick with it!

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