Monday, May 31, 2010

lolita weight loss

So now that i'm freed from the busyness of having dance shows to be in its back to the blogging and having cosplay and summer bathing suits i feel like i need to lose or at least tone my stomach some more. heres some tips and what im doing to lose weight in preparation for the summer!

1: don't eat anything after 9 PM, if your hungry drink a glass of milk or water.

2: eat breakfast and stay away from eating fatty fried foods or ice cream (homemade popsicles are ok though because they are just frozen juice) and try to have salads and samiches instead of hamburgers and hotdogs.

3: more exercise, i don't often run so im going to try to run more and that should help me a lot with my stamina and lung capacity, and i also should be working on my flexibility.

one other thing you can do if you don't have a lot of time or room is abdominal work but one thing to keep in mind is that if you're not feeling it your probably doing it wrong. i would also suggest hula hooping! its fun and loli and gives you a nice full body workout! we often use hula hooping as a warm up at dance.


  1. Everyone is losing weight - me too ^-^;
    I'm curious about the dance show x2 ~~~

  2. I'm sticking to a regime too for summer--I just got back from graduation and a friend's wedding and it was a lot of sitting and a lot of eating so now I'm getting back on track XD
